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At TNSR, we use Chicago Manual of Style footnotes. Before submitting your article, we ask that you go through your footnotes to make sure that they conform to Chicago footnoting style and contain all of the necessary information to leave a proper “bread crumb trail” for researchers down the road. A good resource is Chicago’s Quick Guide. This is especially useful for more straightforward citations like newspaper articles, journal articles, and books.

If you are unsure how to format a citation in Chicago style, just provide the maximum information possible for the citation (author name, if applicable, publication title, place of publication, date, page numbers, etc.), and we will take care of the rest.

You must also provide a hyperlinked url whenever possible (except for books). This includes, but is not limited to, journal articles, newspaper articles, government documents, and House/Senate testimonies. For journal articles, this should be either a DOI url or another permalink (jstor, for example, has its own permalinks). Urls are not required for books.

All dates for newspaper/magazine articles should be written as month, day, year (e.g., July 4, 1776). (Journal articles usually only include month/year.)

Any citations for direct quotes must include the page number that the quote appears on.

For a footnote with multiple citations, please arrange them alphabetically by the author’s last name.

If you’re using a footnote manager, please make sure that you read through your footnotes, and check it for errors, omissions, etc.

While we understand that you may not be entirely familiar with Chicago footnoting, and that therefore you may not format your footnotes perfectly (especially the more challenging citations), the closer you can come, and the more information you provide, the quicker our process of verifying citations and formatting them will be.