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Audacity & Alliances (Winter 2023/2024)

You can read the entire issue here.

The Foundation

Cracks in the Ivory Tower?

The Scholar

Alliance Commitment in an Era of Partisan Polarization: A Survey Experiment of U.S. Voters
Verónica Bäcker-Peral, Gene Park

Speaking Out: Why Retired Flag Officers Participate in Political Discourse
Risa A. Brooks, Michael A. Robinson, Heidi Urben

War Is from Mars, AI Is from Venus: Rediscovering the Institutional Context of Military Automation
Jon R. Lindsay

The Strategist

Shining a Light on the Defense Department’s Industrial Base Problems
Jeff Decker, Noah Sheinbaum

Roundtable Feature

Making Peace from the Outside-In or the Inside-Out
Janice Gross Stein


Issue DOI:

ISSN (Print): 2576-1021
ISSN(Online): 2576-1153