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The Cost of Power (Summer 2024)

You can read the entire issue here.

The Foundation

Why We Write
Francis J. Gavin

The Scholar

Just Do It: Explaining the Characteristics and Rationale of Chinese Economic Sanctions
Ketian Vivian Zhang

Estimating China’s Defense Spending: How to Get It Wrong (and Right)
M. Taylor Fravel, George J. Gilboy, Eric Heginbotham

Access Denied? Non-Aligned State Decisions to Grant Access During War
Emily Ellinger

The Strategist

A Break in the Clouds: Learning Lessons From the Sea
Frank G. Hoffman, George P. Garrett

Confronting Another Axis? History, Humility, and Wishful Thinking
Philip Zelikow

Roundtable Feature

The Great Game and the Korean Question: A Dawn of the New Order
Sangpil Jin


Issue DOI:

ISSN (Print): 2576-1021
ISSN(Online): 2576-1153