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David M. Edelstein

Author's Articles

Book Review Roundtable: America and Its Allies

Book Review Roundtable: America and Its Allies

In this roundtable, our contributors review Mira Rapp-Hooper's book "Shields of the Republic," which looks at America's alliances — past, present, and future.

The Persistence of Great Power Politics

The Persistence of Great Power Politics

The featured roundtable essay for Vol 2, Iss 2 is from a roundtable on global order, great power competition, and the likelihood of war, which emerged from a colloquium hosted by Perry World House in September 2018 on the current state of the global order.…

Policy Roundtable: Competing Visions for the Global Order

Policy Roundtable: Competing Visions for the Global Order

Last September, Perry World House hosted a colloquium on the current state of the global order. These essays on global order, great power competition, and the likelihood of war emerged from that colloquium.