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Remembrance of Things Past

Remembrance of Things Past

In his introduction to Volume 8, Issue 1, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, considers the importance — and the challenge — of putting the past, present, and future in perspective.

Evolving Challenges, Enduring Principles

Evolving Challenges, Enduring Principles

In her first introduction as the new editor in chief of the Texas National Security Review, Sheena Chestnut Greitens considers the importance of getting major questions of national and international security right and highlights the journal's role in…

Why We Write

Why We Write

In his introduction to Volume 7, Issue 3, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, considers the limitations that academic disciplines tend to impose on writing, the value in making such writing more accessible, and the need to consider big questions…

What Exactly Are We Doing?

What Exactly Are We Doing?

In his introduction to Volume 7, Issue 2, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, considers why the United States seems stuck in the Middle East and suggests that Washington refocus on core grand-strategic interests. More broadly, he calls on Americans…

Cracks in the Ivory Tower?

Cracks in the Ivory Tower?

In his introduction to Volume 7, Issue 1, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, reflects on the joys of being a professor and the importance of higher education. He also expresses concern about the health of American universities and calls on them to…

Dark ‘N’ Stormy

Dark ‘N’ Stormy

In his introduction to Volume 6, Issue 4, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, writes about why so many people feel such doom and gloom when we are living in a time of unprecedented prosperity, why his faith has been shaken, and how he’s finding…

It’s Not the Plane, It’s the Pilot

It’s Not the Plane, It’s the Pilot

In his introduction to Volume 6, Issue 3, the chair of TNSR’s editorial board, Francis J. Gavin, considers how time, space, and other factors shape perspectives — and why Top Gun's Maverick was right when he said, "It’s not the plane, it’s the pilot."

Unspoken Assumptions

Unspoken Assumptions

In his introduction to Volume 6, Issue 2, the chair of TNSR’s editorial board, Francis J. Gavin, reflects on the unspoken assumptions during and after the attacks of 9/11. He asks what ideas today might similarly be so widely shared that no one is saying…

It May Be Different than You Think

It May Be Different than You Think

In this issue’s introductory essay, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, discusses the need to shake up the status quo and the importance of intellectually playing the field.

The Gap Has Been Bridged!

The Gap Has Been Bridged!

In his introductory essay for Volume 5, Issue 4, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, declares that the gap between scholars and policymakers has been bridged, but he also offers some words of caution.

Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom

Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom

In his introductory essay for Volume 5, Issue 2, our executive editor looks at the role of emotions in war, the anxiety of the current moment, and how to have serenity about it all.

How Are They Doing?

How Are They Doing?

In his introductory essay for Volume 5, Issue 1, the chair of our editorial board, Frank Gavin, discusses how to evaluate a presidency — and a sports team — in real time and some of the pitfalls of doing so.