Force & Feeling (Spring 2022)
You can read the entire issue here.
The Foundation
Serenity, Courage, and Wisdom
Doyle Hodges
The Scholar
Were Drone Strikes Effective? Evaluating the Drone Campaign in Pakistan Through Captured al-Qaeda Documents
Bryce Loidolt
The Role of Emotions in Military Strategy
Samuel Zilincik
Countering Hybrid Warfare: Mapping Social Contracts to Reinforce Societal Resiliency in Estonia and Beyond
Salamah Magnuson, Morgan Keay, and Kimberly Metcalf
Disease Outbreak and National Security: Drawing Lessons from the COVID-19 Crisis to Improve Emergency Response
Balaji L. Narain
The Strategist
Not a Suicide Pact: Urgent Strategic Recommendations for Reducing Domestic Terrorism in the United States
Barbara L. McQuade
Roundtable Feature
Making the Mark on Leader Targeting
Craig Whiteside
ISSN (Print): 2576-1021
ISSN(Online): 2576-1153