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Brendan Rittenhouse Green

Author's Articles

Book Review Roundtable: The Revolution that Failed

Book Review Roundtable: The Revolution that Failed

In this roundtable, our contributors review Brendan Rittenhouse Green's book "The Revolution that Failed," which questions the conventional wisdom on nuclear deterrence.

Contrasting Views on How to Code a Nuclear Crisis

Contrasting Views on How to Code a Nuclear Crisis

In this issue’s correspondence section, Brendan Rittenhouse Green and Austin Long offer up an alternative way to code nuclear crises in response to Mark S. Bell and Julia Macdonald's article in the February 2019 issue of TNSR. Bell and Macdonald, in turn,…

Policy Roundtable: Nuclear First-Use and Presidential Authority

Policy Roundtable: Nuclear First-Use and Presidential Authority

In this roundtable, we gathered together a group of experts to discuss two important aspects of the nuclear debate: America's nuclear first-use policy and the president's sole authority to launch a nuclear weapon.